Jones Co. Logistics Intranet System & App Development
Jones Companies has several subsidiaries that required a custom web based intranet system to handle the varied types of inventory, shipping, receiving, logistics, reporting, sales and accounting processes that operate the company. In addition the company required several integration points between their own and outside systems like salesforce, quickbooks, Lock-Aid, (cell location service), Twilio (phone SMS and call center integration), google maps API, google charts.
Company background
Led by a forward thinking technology savvy manager, Jones companies use internet technology to manage most of its internal processes. Focused on leading the competition into the 21st century, the company with Nuzu’s help, has built a cutting edge intranet system that uses cloud computing, webservices and APIs that allow for multiple devices and platform integration options.
Services provided

- Programming Webservices
- API integration
- Platform design
- Schema development
- Custom Reporting
- Phone camera QR code scanning
- Google maps API integration
- Google graph API integration
- Salesforce integration
- Lock-aid integration
- Twilio integration
- Status Board integration
Technologies employed
- C#
- Asp.net
- Microsoft Silverlight
- Google maps API
- Jquery
- Jquery IU controls
- Jqgrid
- JSON – communication protocols
- JavaScript programming
A word from Travis
“It’s been a pleasure to have a strong ongoing relationship with Jason and his team. Nuzu has created a platform that will support Jones companies into the future.
I believe that Jones co. realizes the value in outsourcing to the right type of programming team. Nuzu’s diverse skills set has allowed us to keep up with Jones requirements and build some really cool tools!”

Travis Finseth is the owner of Nuzu Net Media, a full service digital marketing agency in Jackson, MS. He can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Linkedin, but more typically at home with the beautiful wife and three kids... or on the basketball or volleyball court. More about Travis...
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